PowerShell ModuleManager 2019: Service Build v1.1.0

We released a new service build of PowerShell ModuleManager 2019 (v1.1.0). This service build is included as part of the regular update cycle for our subscribers.

New Features

Remote Module Management

PowerShell ModuleManager now allows you to manage modules on remote machines. The Remote Connections panel will keep track of your connections.

To add a new connection, right-click in the Remote Connections panel and select Add Connection, or select the add computer icon:

This will open the Remote Credentials dialog:

Enter the computer name in the Remote Computer field or search connected computers (), then enter the credentials and click OK to add the new connection.

To remote into an existing connection, double-click on an existing connection listed in the Remote Connections panel:

When connected, a new tab with the computer’s name will be created:

If a connection cannot be established, the error will display in the Log panel.

To remove an existing connection, right-click on the connection in the Remote Connections panel and select Remove Connection, or select the delete computer icon:


If you close out of your local machine tab, click the Local Machine button (Home->Window) on the ribbon:

This will reopen the Local Machine tab.


Options has been updated to support setting the Repository and Installation Scope for each machine:

NuGet Installation

To install with NuGet-based repositories like the PowerShell Gallery, NuGet must be installed via PowerShell. PowerShell ModuleManager will now offer to install NuGet for you when it is determined to not be installed.


Please continue providing your feedback. Many of the new features included in the service builds are suggestions from users like you. Submit your suggestions or feature requests on the Wish List and Feature Requests forum or the new Feature Requests page.

You can view the complete service build log here.