Very slow keyboard response when working with large comment-based help

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Very slow keyboard response when working with large comment-based help

Post by adbertram »

I'm not sure what led me to this point but it's terribly slow when adding new text to the large help snippet. However, when I make changes anywhere else not in that comment block, it's fine.
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Re: Very slow keyboard response when working with large comment-based help

Post by DevinL »

I opened a script of mine and created a help block of about 300 lines of text and was able to type with no delay at all:

How large of a comment-based help is the snippet you're working with?
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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Re: Very slow keyboard response when working with large comment-based help

Post by adbertram »

Here's the comment block:

Compare-EnvironmentManifest is used to compare two environment manifests for differences.

This function can be used in two ways. It can either compare two environemnt manifests given a soure and reference
manifest provided or can compare manifests by EnvironmentId/ServiceInstance.

To compare two manifests directly, use both the SourceEnvironmentManifest and RefernceEnvironmentManifest parameters.
These can be retrieved using the Get-EnvironmentManifest function. If either parameter is used, the other is

To eliminate the step of having to use Get-EnvironmentManifest to first find either manifest, you can also use
the environment ID and service instance directly. To do this, you will optionally use the EnvironmentId parameter
if specifying an environment ID other than a BDT environment such as C. If environment of C is used, you must then
provide the reference BDT service instance by using the BDTServiceInstance parameter. This will compare the latest
customer.local manifest against the latest BDT environment manifest for that service instance.

PS> $Manifest1 = Get-EnvironmentManifest -ServiceInstance 97
PS> $Manifest2 = Get-EnvironmentManifest -ServiceInstance 11
PS> Compare-EnvironmentManfiest -SourceEnvironmentManifest $Manifest1 -ReferenceEnvironmentManifest $Manifest2

This example retrieves the latest environment manifest created for BDT service instance 97 and BDT service instance

It then compares the two outputting any differences found. If any differences, it will output each one as a PSCustomObject.
hello, this is a test. I'm typing a lot faster than this.
PS> Compare-EnvironmentManifest -EnvironmentId C -BdtServiceInstance 11

This example retrieves the latest environment manifest created for the C environment and the latest BDT service instance 11.

It then compares the two outputting any differences found. If any differences, it will output each one as a PSCustomObject.

PS> Compare-EnvironmentManifest -EnvironmentId B -SourceServiceInstance 11 -ReferenceServiceInstance 97

This example returns the same results as EXAMPLE 1 although it explicitly defines the environment ID. This is the same
because the 'B' environment ID is default.

.PARAMETER SourceEnvironmentManifest
The XML element representing a single environment manifest. This must be an object of type System.Xml.XmlElement.
It is most easily retrieved using the Get-EnvironmentManifest function. This is a mandatory parameter if
ReferenceEnviromentManifest is used. This may only be used with ReferenceEnvironmentManifest.

.PARAMETER ReferenceEnvironmentManifest
The XML element representing another environment manifest. This must be an object of type System.Xml.XmlElement.
It is most easily retrieved using the Get-EnvironmentManifest function. This is a mandatory parameter if
SourceEnvironmentManifest is used. This may only be used with SourceEnvironmentManifest.

.PARAMETER EnvironmentId
By default this value is 'B'. However, it will typically be used to specify the 'C' environment ID to compare a
customer.local manifest to a BDT manifest. It is optional in any situation but can only be used when
SourceEnvironmentManifeest ane ReferenceEnviromentManifest are NOT used.

.PARAMETER SourceServiceInstance
The service instance to find the manifest for. By default, it will find the latest BDT service instance manifest.
This is only available if ReferenceServiceInstance is used and is mandatory at that time.

.PARAMETER ReferenceServiceInstance
The service instance to find the manifest for. By default, it will find the latest BDT service instance manifest.
This is only available if SourceServiceInstance is used and is mandatory at that time.

.PARAMETER BdtServiceInstance
The BDT reference service instance to find the manifest for. By default, it will find the latest BDT service instance manifest.
This is only available if EnvironmentId = C. If so, this is mandatory. Otherwise, this parameter is not available.

.PARAMETER IncludeEqual
By default, this function will only return rules that have values that differ. If this optional switch parameter
is used, it will return all values and set the IsEqual property to $true.

System.Management.Automation.PSCustomobject (if any differences found). Null otherwise.
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Posts: 99
Last visit: Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:31 am

Re: Very slow keyboard response when working with large comment-based help

Post by adbertram »

I've ran into this sporadically for a long time. It seems when you have a large comment or larger string (in a here string) for example, it will sometimes start performing very slowly. I can't reliably reproduce it.
Posts: 1098
Last visit: Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:15 am

Re: Very slow keyboard response when working with large comment-based help

Post by DevinL »

In that case I'll pass it along to the developers and see if they can think of any potential causes/solutions.
SAPIEN Technologies, Inc.
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