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Sorting hashtable

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:56 pm
by paddy75
in my test environment i searching for all send and received mails on an exchange server to get the total size and total items on a daily basis. All is working fine. But when i display the results, they are in a wrong order. How can i change the order so that the oldest one is the first entry?

Code: Select all

	$daycounter = 1
	$SendReceivedMailsDaysOutput = Do
		$dayendcounter = $daycounter - 1
		$daystart = (Get-Date -Hour 00 -Minute 00 -Second 00).AddDays(-$daycounter)
		$dayend = (Get-Date -Hour 00 -Minute 00 -Second 00).AddDays(-$dayendcounter)
		$DayReceivedMails = $ReceivedMails | Where-Object {$_.timestamp -ge $daystart -and $_.timestamp -le $dayend}
		$DaySendMails = $sendmails | Where-Object {$_.timestamp -ge $daystart -and $_.timestamp -le $dayend}
		$daytotalsendmail = $daysendmails | measure-object Totalbytes -sum
		$daytotalreceivedmail = $dayreceivedmails | measure-object Totalbytes -sum
		$daytotalsendvol = $daytotalsendmail.sum
		$daytotalreceivedvol = $daytotalreceivedmail.sum
		$daytotalsendcount = $daytotalsendmail.count
		$daytotalreceivedcount = $daytotalreceivedmail.count
		$day = $daystart | get-date -Format "dd.MM.yy"
		$SendReceivedMailsDays = [ordered]@{
			"Day" = $day
			"Total send" = $daytotalsendcount
			"Total send size ($($cmbSizeMailStat.Text))" = Convert-Size -Value $daytotalsendvol -From Bytes -To $($cmbSizeMailStat.Text) -Precision 2
			"Total received" = $daytotalreceivedcount
			"Total received size ($($cmbSizeMailStat.Text))" = Convert-Size -Value $daytotalreceivedvol -From Bytes -To $($cmbSizeMailStat.Text) -Precision 2
		New-Object PsObject -Property $SendReceivedMailsDays
	While ($daycounter -le $($nIntervallMailStat.Text))
Here a short view from the output i get:

Code: Select all

@{Day=21.01.21; Total send=0; Total send size (GB)=0; Total received=0; Total received size (GB)=0} @{Day=20.01.21; Total send=0; Total send size (GB)=0; Total received=0; Total received size (GB)=0} @{Day=19.01.21; Total send=0; Total send size (GB)=0; Tota
l received=0; Total received size (GB)=0} @{Day=18.01.21; Total send=0; Total send size (GB)=0; Total received=0; Total received size (GB)=0} @{Day=17.01.21; Total send=0; Total send size (GB)=0; Total received=0; Total received size (GB)=0}

Re: Sorting hashtable

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 2:11 am
by jvierra
See the following article for instructions on how to sort. ... rshell-5.0

Re: Sorting hashtable

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 3:36 am
by paddy75
when i put this: $SendReceivedMailsDaysOutput | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = "Day"; Descending = $true}
it still has no effect.

Re: Sorting hashtable

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 3:45 am
by jvierra
$SendReceivedMailsDaysOutput | Sort-Object -Property Day -Descending

I strongly recommend that you learn PowerShell before proceeding. Guessing will not work and learning PowerShell will also teach you how to read the documentation and help.

Start with this: Windows PowerShellâ„¢ TFM

Re: Sorting hashtable

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:04 am
by paddy75
sorry when I'm to stupid. I'm still learning and a forum is for beginners and advanced guys. And by the way, this answer was not very friendly. :oops:

Re: Sorting hashtable

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:10 am
by jvierra
paddy75 wrote: ↑Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:04 am sorry when I'm to stupid. I'm still learning and a forum is for beginners and advanced guys. And by the way, this answer was not very friendly. :oops:
Why would you say that? Your question and the guess at how to use a CmdLet show you have not taken time to learn PowerShell. I wanted you to understand that you cannot learn any advanced technology by guessing. Also learning how to use PowerShell would have given you the answer and helped you to correctly understand the help docs. You tried to use a CmdLet in a way that tells me that you were trying to copy something you saw somewhere and didn't understand. The remedy is to use teh book or other learning resources to learn the basics. This is how all of technicians learn to use new technology. It is the fastest way and helps us to avoid making simple mistakes.

The link I posted is for a free book that, in my opinion, is one of teh best for anyone without programming training to use to learn programming through PowerShell. It is also written by well experienced admins with deep experience with Windows and PowerShell. It will also show you how and why PowerShell was developed specifically for admins and to assist them in their work. Even though I have decades of programming experience and have used PowerShell since before it was beta I have read that book and others as a quick way to review and improve my skills. It is just how we engineers have been trained.

Good luck.