PS Script to PrimalForms 2011 Help needed

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PS Script to PrimalForms 2011 Help needed

Post by PBilat »

Hello everybody I use this PS Script to search Group Policy Settings. Can somebody help me to create a PrimalForms with all the PS Script content PS Script and details:<#.Synopsis Searches text files by pattern and displays the results..Description Searches text files by pattern and displays the results..NotesBased on versions from ... ut.aspxand from Makes use of Out-ColorMatchInfo found at> #requires -version 2param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [regex] $pattern, # [string] $folderpath = (Read-Host "Please enter folder to check","Ex. C:TestsGPOReports"), [string] $folderpath = "C:TestsGPOReports", # [string] $filter = (Read-Host "Please insert the File-Extension","Ex. *.HTML"), [string] $filter = "*.HTML", [switch] $recurse = $true, [switch] $caseSensitive = $false, [int[]] $context = 0) if ((-not $caseSensitive) -and (-not $pattern.Options -match "IgnoreCase")) { $pattern = New-Object regex $pattern.ToString(),@($pattern.Options,"IgnoreCase")} # Output as "Out-GridView"Get-ChildItem -Path:$folderpath -recurse:$recurse -filter:$filter | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatche
s -context $context | Out-Gridview # Output as "CSV-File"# Get-ChildItem -Path:$folderpath -recurse:$recurse -filter:$filter | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatches-context $context | Export-CSV -path C:TestsGPOSearch-Result.csv-notypeinformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding 'ASCII' # Output as "Format-Talbe"# Get-ChildItem -Path:$folderpath -recurse:$recurse -filter:$filter | Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatches-context $context | Format-Table LineNumber, Line, Filename, Path -Wrap | Out-File C:TestsGPOResult.txt# Invoke-Item C:TestsGPOResult.txt General information:When the Administrator start the PS script, a popup windows appears in which the Admin must insert the desire
This topic is 11 years and 8 months old and has exceeded the time allowed for comments. Please begin a new topic or use the search feature to find a similar but newer topic.