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Request Type Mismatch error

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:53 am
by simflex
Hello experts,

I can't express enough how delighted to have discovered this forum.

I just dabbled in hta programming and I am having all kinds of fits.
First connection to sql server which was working fine with ADO, would not work with hta but I seem to have solved that.

Currently, I am getting an error that says, "Type mismatch: Request"

This is caused by this line (bolded).

sub getdata
If Request("POSTBACK") = "NEWCASE" Then
' new case requested client = Trim(Request("clientid")) casename = Trim(Request("casename")) casetype = Trim(Request("casetype"))
If client <= 0 Then ' only generate a new client id if we *NEED* to!!!!! SQL = "Set Nocount on; " _ & " Insert INTO Clients (ClientName) VALUES ('" & Replace(Request("newclientid"),"'","''") & "');" _ & " Select @@identity; " _ & " set nocount off" 'response.write SQL 'response.end ' Run the query and create resulting recordset. Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) client = RS(0) RS.closeEnd If
SQL = "INSERT INTO Cases (clientid,casename,casetype) " _ & " VALUES(" & client & ",'" & casename & "','" & casetype & "')" ' response.write SQL & "<br>" ' response.end
conn.Execute SQL SQL = "SELECT @@IDENTITY" Set RS = conn.Execute(SQL) caseid = RS(0) ' response.write caseid& "<br>" ' response.end RS.CloseEnd If
If Request("POSTBACK") = "ASSIGNCASE" Then caseid = Trim(Request("caseid")) JudgeCode = Trim(Request("Judge")) SQL = "UPDATE Cases SET JudgeCode = '" & JudgeCode & "' WHERE caseid = " & caseid conn.Execute(SQL)
'**** Judge must be available for new assignment until one is assigned.SQL = "SELECT isTransferCase from Cases WHERE caseid = " & caseidSet RS = conn.Execute(SQL) If isTransferCase <> 1 Then SQL = "UPDATE Judges SET IsTakingNewCases = 0 WHERE JudgeCode = '" & JudgeCode & "' " conn.Execute(SQL) Else End IfEnd If
'Now shows us how many more judges need to be assigned a case.SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) As RemainingCases from Judges WHERE isTakingNewCases = 1 "Set RS = conn.Execute(SQL)If not RS.eof then CasesLeft = RS("RemainingCases")End If
' see if there are any cases pending that need a Judge assigned to them:SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 CaseID, ClientID, casename, casetype FROM Cases WHERE Coalesce(JudgeCode,'0') = '0' ORDER BY CaseID "'Response.write sql & "<br>"'Response.endSet RS = conn.Execute(SQL)If Not RS.EOF Then ' aha! have a case that needs assignment caseid = RS("caseID") clientid = RS("clientID") casename = RS("casename") casetype = RS("casetype")
' now, does this client have any cases assigned to any Judge? SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 JudgeCode FROM Cases WHERE clientID = " & clientid & " AND Coalesce(JudgeCode,'0') <> '0' " 'Response.write sql & "<br>" 'Response.end
Set RS = conn.Execute(SQL) If Not RS.EOF Then lcode = RS(0) ' yes! already has this code assigned SQL = "UPDATE Cases SET JudgeCode = '" & lcode & "', isTransferCase = 1 WHERE caseid = " & caseid conn.Execute SQL 'SQL = "UPDATE Judges SET IsTakingNewCases = 0 WHERE JudgeCode = '" & lcode & "' " 'conn.Execute SQL
Response.Write "<h3>Assigned " & lcode & " to case " & caseid & " for client " & clientid & "</h3>" _ & "<br/>Case name: " & casename & "<br/>Case type: " & casetype _ & "<br/>(same client as a prior case)</br></hr>" & vbNewLine Else ' if here, this is first case for this find an available judge: SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 JudgeCode, JudgeName FROM Judges " _ & " WHERE IsTakingNewCases = 1 " _ & " ORDER BY NEWID()" 'Response.write sql & "<br>" 'Response.end Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)
'******* The beginning of deprecated code snippets ***************** '* SQL = "SELECT JudgeCode, JudgeName FROM Judges " _ * '* & " WHERE JudgeCode NOT IN (SELECT JudgeCode FROM Cases) " _* '* & " ORDER BY JudgeName " * '* Response.write sql & "<br>" * '* Response.end * '* Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) * '* * '* SQL = "SELECT Judges.JudgeCode, JudgeName " & _ * '* "FROM Judges " & _ * '* "LEFT JOIN Cases ON Cases.JudgeCode = Judges.JudgeCode " & _ * '* "WHERE Cases.CaseId IS NULL " & _ * '* "ORDER BY JudgeName " * '* * '* SQL = "SELECT j.JudgeCode, j.JudgeName " & _ * '* "FROM Judges j " & _ * '* "LEFT JOIN Cases c ON c.JudgeCode = j.JudgeCode " & _ * '* "WHERE c.JudgeCode IS NULL " & _ * '* "ORDER BY j.JudgeName" * '* Set RS = Conn.Execute( SQL ) * '* * '* SQL = "SELECT j.JudgeCode, j.JudgeName " & _ * '* "FROM Judges j " & _ * '* "LEFT JOIN Cases c ON c.JudgeCode = j.JudgeCode " & _ * '* "WHERE c.JudgeCode is null AND j.IsTakingNewCases = 1 " & _ * '* "ORDER BY j.JudgeName" * '******* The End of deprecated code snippets ***********************
If RS.EOF then 'No Judges Available, time to start over
Response.Write "Reloaded Judges Wheel..."
SQL = "INSERT INTO CasesArchive (CaseID, ClientId, JudgeCode, CaseName, CaseType) " & _ "SELECT CaseID, ClientId, JudgeCode, CaseName, CaseType FROM Cases WHERE JudgeCode <> '0'" 'Response.Write "DEBUG SQL: " & SQL & "<HR>" 'Response.end Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)
SQL = "UPDATE Judges SET IsTakingNewCases = 1" 'response.write strsql 'response.end Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)
SQL = "DELETE FROM Cases WHERE isTransferCase <> 1" 'response.write strsql 'response.end Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) 'Clean up
'call above query again SQL = "SELECT TOP 1 JudgeCode, JudgeName FROM Judges " _ & " WHERE IsTakingNewCases = 1 " _ & " ORDER BY NEWID()" Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL) End If
'******* let user know if there are any judges left to be assigned a case. ********* If cint(CasesLeft) > 0 then Response.Write "<FONT FACE='ARIAL' SIZE='2' COLOR='GREEN'><B> " & CasesLeft & " judges remaining to be assigned a new case</B></FONT>" else Response.Write "<FONT FACE='ARIAL' SIZE='2' COLOR='RED'><B> " & CasesLeft & " judges left. This round of assignment is complete.</B></FONT>" End if End if End Ifend sub
I am an extreme newbie to hta. Please, please help.

Thanks a lot in advance


Request Type Mismatch error

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:38 am
by simflex
thank you very much for your response.

I have used ASP and .net extensively; just not familiar with HTA - something I am definitely interedted in just because of look and feel.

I am definitely certain that is an alternative in HTA to using the request object. That's what I was hoping for.
So, rather than :

<input type="hidden" name="POSTBACK" value="NEWCASE" />, there should be an HTA workaround to it, I am sure. I just have looked hard enough I suppose.

Request Type Mismatch error

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:59 am
by rasimmer
Is it GetObjectByID or GetElementByID?

Request Type Mismatch error

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:17 am
by jvierra
Is it GetObjectByID or GetElementByID?

Sorry - GetElementByID. I'm working on another with GetObject and got mixed up.