Foreach Loop Output to Richtextbox failed

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Posts: 2
Last visit: Sun May 07, 2023 1:51 am

Foreach Loop Output to Richtextbox failed

Post by McStarProjekt »


i want to count the numbers of mailboxes stored in a exchange database.
When i try to show the output with a richtextbox i get an error.

# First i get the mailboxdatabse names

$DatenbankNamen = Get-MailboxDatabase | select Name

$rtb_log.Text += "`r`n Get-MailboxDatabase| Select Name `r`n"
$rtb_log.Text += $DatenbankNamen | Out-String
$rtb_Log.SelectionStart = $rtb_Log.TextLength;

$rtb_datenbanken.Text += $DatenbankNamen | out-string
$rtb_datenbanken.Text.SelectionStart = $rtb_datenbanken.Text.TextLength;


#then i want foreach Database count the mailboxes with measure-object and put the output to a richtextbox
# but the output dont work.
# how can i show the foreache result in a richtextbox ?

foreach ($dbnamen in $DatenbankNamen)
$datenbank = $dbnamen | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

$rtb_log.Text += "`r`n ..starte Abfrage auf Datenbank: " + $datenbank
$rtb_Log.SelectionStart = $rtb_Log.TextLength;

$anzahlPostfaecher = get-mailbox -database $datenbank -resultsize unlimited | Measure-Object

$rtb_log.Text += "`r`n get-mailbox -database " + $datenbank + " -resultsize unlimited | Measure-Object"
$rtb_log.Text += $anzahlPostfaecher | Out-String
$rtb_Log.SelectionStart = $rtb_Log.TextLength;

Posts: 2
Last visit: Sun May 07, 2023 1:51 am

Re: Foreach Loop Output to Richtextbox failed

Post by McStarProjekt »

i solved it like this:

$mailboxDBS = get-mailboxdatabase

foreach ($db in $mailboxDBS)
$count = (get-mailbox -database $
$rtb_datenbanken.AppendText("Datenbank: " + $ + " Anzahl der Postfächer " + $count + "`n")
$rtb_datenbanken.SelectionStart = $rtb_Log.TextLength;

$rtb_log.Text += $count | Out-String
$rtb_Log.SelectionStart = $rtb_Log.TextLength;
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