Display process output in real time inside TextBox for WPF

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Display process output in real time inside TextBox for WPF

Post by ALIENQuake »


I would like to modernize the look of my app by switching to WPF. I need to recreate "Display output of the CMD in real-time inside TextBox" viewtopic.php?t=12969 but for WPF.

The problem is that WPF threading is completely different and it doesn't have "process.SynchronizingObject/System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke" so Dispatcher must be used somehow.

After many strougles, I was able to comeup with this:

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Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
$Xaml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader([XML]@"
    Title="Test" WindowStartupLocation = "CenterScreen" ShowInTaskbar = "True">
        <TextBox x:Name = "TextBox"/>

Function Start-Worker {
    $TextBox = $Window.FindName("TextBox")
    $SyncHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{Window = $Window; TextBox = $TextBox})
    $Runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
    $Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"         
    $Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("SyncHash", $SyncHash)          
    # Problem 1 - UI is lagging
    $Worker = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
        for($Progress=1; $Progress -le 25; $Progress++){
            $SyncHash.Window.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{$SyncHash.TextBox.AppendText($Progress)}) | Out-Null

    $Worker.Runspace = $Runspace

    # Problem 2, even empty OutputDataReceived will cause crash
    # $Worker = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
    #     $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
    #     $process.StartInfo.FileName = 'ping.exe'
    #     $process.StartInfo.Arguments = 'google.com -n 3'
    #     $process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
    #     $process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = $true
    #     $process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = $false
    #     $process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
    #     $process.EnableRaisingEvents = $true

    #     $process.add_OutputDataReceived({
    #         # even empty OutputDataReceived will cause crash
    #         #[System.Console]::WriteLine( $_.Data)
    #         #$SyncHash.Window.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{$SyncHash.TextBox.AppendText($_.Data)})
    #     })
    #     $process.Start() | Out-Null
    #     $process.BeginOutputReadLine()
    # })
    # $Worker.Runspace = $Runspace
    # $Worker.BeginInvoke()


$script:Window = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($Xaml)
$script:TextBox = $Window.FindName("TextBox")
$Window.Add_Loaded({ Start-Worker })
The code works but I have 2 problems:
1. UI is lagging
2. Adding OutputDataReceived (even empty) cause crash - no process output can be received

I don't know how to improve solution further. Can someone please take look?
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Re: Display process output in real time inside TextBox for WPF

Post by jvierra »

Works fine for me.
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Re: Display process output in real time inside TextBox for WPF

Post by ALIENQuake »

Try to movie window when the code is running. Also, the process_OutputDataReceived will cause crash even if it's empty. So maybe the whole approach is wrong? Do you have any idea about the alternative way of doing this?
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Re: Display process output in real time inside TextBox for WPF

Post by jvierra »

I can move anything, and it still works fine. Perhaps you have context related issues.
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